Realization in scale 1: 1 of a Nuraghe

“The best legacy we can leave to our children and grandchildren are their roots and wings. The former strengthen the tree of our identity, the latter leads us elsewhere. Only in this way will we be able to designate new paths for future generations.” Giovanni Lilliu

Our dream comes from the contact with the material that best characterizes our land: THE STONES.
And the passion that drives us to make it come from afar and has been fueled in recent years by the respect, curiosity and pride experienced before the ancient monuments wisely built by our ancestors: the Nuraghi.
The step we want to take now is to turn this dream into reality: to build a Nuraghe.
To not forget the mastery of those who preceded us and to contribute to the dissemination of our history and our identity.
Past, present and future that draw vital force from the same matter:
The Stones – IS PERDAS