Discover the territory

Tradition, culture, history and fun.

Nuraghe of Barumini “SU NURAXI”

At 10 km from Is Perdas, in Barumini rises a Nuraxi, the most important legacy that the civilization of the towers has left us. The archaeological area includes a complex nuraghe and a large village of huts, a unique place that UNESCO declared a World Heritage Site in 1997. The imposing site came to light thanks to excavations conducted in the mid-20th century by Giovanni Lilliu. The cultural center is named after the ‘father’ of Sardinian archeology a few steps away from the nuraghe, where events, exhibitions, concerts and educational workshops take place all year round.

“Santa Vittoria Serri” Sanctuary

Is Perdas rises at the foot of the Sanctuary of Santa Vittoria di Serri, one of the most important archaeological areas of the island and which, from the top of the Giara di Serri, dominates the surrounding countryside. In this wonderful archaeological complex, it is possible to observe and find traces of the different evolutions of the Nuragic civilization.

Las Plassas Castle

A few steps from Barumini is Las Plassas, a tiny town in the Marmilla area, famous for its castle, built as a border stronghold for the control of the territory of the former Kingdom of Arborea.

La Giara di Gesturi – Sa Jara Manna

La Giara de Gesturi, also called in the Sardinian language sa jara manna, is the largest of the Giares.
The Parco della Giara is a place of considerable naturalistic interest, where you can discover and admire the typical flora and fauna of this corner of paradise, such as the cork oaks and the little wild horses of La Giara.


Located in Barumini, the residence of Sardinian-Aragonese barons, built from the mid-sixteenth century on top of a Nuragic building, came to light in the late 20th century. Today the noble residence, consisting of a palace, garden, large courtyard and agricultural interest, is the seat of the museum pole of the same name, organized in three sections: archaeological, historical-archival and ethnographic.

Musei PARC e Cavallino – Genoni

Genoni, 20 km from Is Perdas, is home to several museums of archaeological and naturalistic interest including the P.AR.C, Paleontological and Archaeological Civic Museum, where children can also participate in interesting educational workshops, and the Cavallino Museum of the Giara.

Museum of the Cavallino della Giara

The Museum of the Cavallino della Giara has the task of collecting the testimonies of the town that hosts it, Genoni, concentrating on the realities rooted in the historical memory of its population and preserved through material culture, work, stories and the environment.

MudA Multimedia Museum

It is the Multimedia Museum of the Kingdom of Arborea, in Las Plassas.
A new way to approach the history of the Sardinian people thanks to new technologies and multimedia paths.

Sardinia in miniature

Near Su Nuraxi is “Sardinia in miniature”, a park in which to walk, in the space of a promenade, is the entirety of Sardinia. But not only that! You can indeed find botanical routes, the astronomical museum, the nuragic area and much more! A place suitable for families but also for those who want to get to know Sardinia in a different way.

Green Train of Sardinia

At 10 km from Is Perdas, from Mandas, is a medieval village in the Trexenta area with a glorious past, today an important cultural center. The trains go in two directions.

The small church of San Sebastiano in Isili

Tra Is Perdas e Isili, paese situato a circa 10 km da Gergei, si trova la piccola “Mont Saint-Michel” sarda, una pittoresca chiesa che sorge su di un’isoletta calcarea nel mezzo del lago artificiale di San Sebastiano. Molte sono le attività da praticare qui all’aria aperta, dal trekking all’arrampicata, dalle escursioni in canoa al biking.

Cammino di San Saturnino

From the awareness of the strong religiosity rooted in the heart of the island and with the desire to revive it the traditions of which the memory has lost in time, “Il Cammino di San Saturnino” is born. A path that takes life from the collaboration between the Athanatos Association and the Chelu e Luna Association. The former has been dealing with the organization of large cultural and educational events for a long time; the second, recently established, was created with the aim of enhancing the historic cultural traditions of Sardinia.

Museo Arte Rame Tessuto – Isili

Museo per l’arte del Rame e del Tessuto di Isili. Il museo Maraté conserva e raconte due importanti tradizioni artigianali locali : la lavorazione del rame e la tessitura.
Il museo ha sede nel più importante edificio storico del centro abitato : l’antico convento dei padri Scolopi.
E’ organizzato in 3 sezioni suddivise su 2 piani e visitabili in un’ora circa.

Menhir Museum di Laconi

Museo della Statuaria Preistorica in Sardegna di Laconi.
Il percorso museale, allestito con testimonianze di straordinario interesse scientifico, si articola attualmente in 11 sale distribuite tra il piano terra ed il secondo piano del Palazzo Aymerich: dieci sale sono dedicate ai menhir ed alla grande statuaria antropomorfa preistorica della Sardegna centro-meridionale (areali del Sarcidano, Grighine e Mandrolisai), l’undicesima, “la galleria” affacciata sulla grande corte interna, ospita invece reperti di cultura materiale rinvenuti in contesti funerari megalitici laconesi.

Parco Aymerich di Laconi

Parco urbano più grande della Sardegna, al confine tra province di Oristano e Nuoro, paradiso dei botanici con piante rare e luogo per amanti di natura e trekking.
Scoprirai un enorme parco verde, ‘tempio’ d’acqua e di rare specie vegetali.

Nuraghe Arrubiu di Orroli

Il nuraghe deve il suo nome ai licheni rossi che lo ricoprono quasi interamente; in sardo Arrubiu, infatti, vuol dire “rosso”. Il nuraghe è l’antico custode in pietra del territorio e vi sorprenderà per la sua maestosità: è l’unico con ben 5 torri. Le guide esperte e preparate che vi accompagneranno durante l’escursione saranno liete di rispondere ad ogni vostra curiosità.